20 September 2013

All Good Jobs

There are a numbers of professions I admire. I often find myself paying great respect to people who have noble jobs like service personnel, honest jobs like street artists, or jobs that require outstanding craftmanship like tailors or carpenters. On the contrary, I don't really look up to people like politicians, models, or people who were born rich. 

True admiration I save for people whose job is to create, to invent things, like writers and designers. To take pen and paper and create something from nothing amazes me over and over again. Lots of respect goes to people who see their talents and train them to perfection, too, like some athletes, skaters and rappers do. And then there's the make-believers. 

Don't worry, I'm not talking about religious prophets or circus magicians. I mean film makers and movie actors. The writers we've talked about, and scriptwriting is surely a discipline of its own, but if you listen to what some great actors talk about when they talk about their jobs is really interesting, because only then they seem to become real people.  

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