31 December 2011

Last Day of the Year

Saturday, 31st of December. Today is the last day of the week, it's the last week of the month and the last month of the year. It's crazy, 2011 has come to an end. 365 days, gone. And what a year it has been. Many people will look back today, back on yesterday and back on the day before. They might go further and eventually reach the beginning of the year. What they're looking for is events to pin down and mark outstanding experiences. Reasons to say that this year has been a good year.

For me the retrospect began with this blog. I started it on January 1, and haven't missed a single day. I won't lie to you, I am a little proud of myself when I scroll through the posts of the past twelve months. I see not just any artwork or book cover or posted song, but things that moved me in one way or another. Twelve months full of thoughts and memories, a year full of things that happened to me. Friends and family, brothers and sisters.

Another great review is the travels I did this year. I kept my word and left Germany at least once a month. It started off with Helsinki in January, then London in February, followed by Eindhoven in March and Bangkok in April. My birthday I spent in Bali, and in June I returned home from BKK. In July I left for Seoul and had a great time till August. And then, in September, I came to London. Since then I've been home twice and visited Brighton and Paris. No wonder I'm broke, but typing down the names of these places is priceless.

I feel like I'm blessed with more luck this year than other people get in a lifetime. I've met so many awesome people, many of them became close friends. Others were brief encounters, but nontheless meaningfull and definitely worth the mention. Visiting foreign places and meeting all kinds of people must be two of the most worthiest aspects of life. Both of them tell you something about your self. It's a learning process, I think. And sometimes you find answers before you even know you've asked a question.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh i didn't know i miss you and your blog this much :'(
