26 April 2011

Chiang Mai - Day 2

Maybe it was the gecko incident yesterday that troubled me during my sleep, but I slept in today and when I woke up it was almost noon. I felt a bit lost in the morning, a bit exhausted from the sleep. Good thing there's a couple of hot springs in the area, I found out, and even better that I had no particular plans for today. Since I went to the north-east yesterday I picked the San Khan Paeng Spa in the west. 

The ride was real nice, not too many cars and less buildings with every kilometer. Before I left town I stopped at a rest station that offered a number of different dishes. I had plain white rice with a fried egg, then some coffee for dessert and I was back on the road. With all the fields of rural beauty and the smell of untouched land the peaceful scenery reminded me a lot of the countryside in Korea. A single cow was grassing on the side of the street, a few birds sharing a wire high above the ground, maybe sharing stories, too.

I stopped for one last time to get a bottle of water and some eggs. The spa offers a wide gardeny green with a little stream running through the whole facility, much like a river runs through a city. Only that the water here was about forty degrees. In a tub close to the spring I boiled the eggs that I had bought before, which only took about fifteen minutes. After my little snack I spent some time in the pool and decided to call it a day.

My ride back to the city was quite speedy and I only stopped once to gas up the scooter. Somewhere along the way I made a wrong turn and ended up on the freeway. Not too happy about my little detour I had dinner at a street restaurant near the Chiang Mai Gate, stir fried rice with deep fried pieces of porkness. It was a good day with a lot of riding and a lot of thinking.

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