20 March 2011

Thinking Local

Since I'm not a student anymore, I don't have an ID or a travel card, either. That means I'm deprived of the ability to go places as freely as I was used to. And the Deutsche Bahn has ticket prices that make you want to tip your forehead with your index finger. They also tend to increase your usage of the words shit and fuck. And if you're dependent on them trains to get to places, that might happen a lot. Sometimes for several minutes.

See, this town has not too much to offer. It's home, but I'm not particularly fond of it. To be honest, if it wasn't for my dear friends and family, I would probably not be here right now. I mean, it's super good to be home, it's just, not too exciting when you're more or less free to go wherever you want. Doing what I'm doing I'm not bound to a certain place, an office or anything, I don't have to clock in and clock out. That's why I feel antsy.

Now, after the frustration comes the will to deal with the situation. Many different kinds of brain education have lead to the following four options: 1. Buy the tickets and pay the price. Be good and have peace of mind for the forty-five minute train ride. 2. Don't buy the ticket and go with the odds of not getting checked by a ticket collector. The price for six  unpaid tickets would almost equal the fine for getting busted. 3. Pull a Frank Abagnale and fake a valid student travel card. 4. Stay home.

For the past few weeks I've been settling with option number four, and the occasional option number one. Good thing is, being home a lot makes you do all the stuff that you would normally postpone to tomorrow. For instance, today I brought unfitty pants to the tailor, one with too wide legs and one just, not right. The other day I fixed my broken chlothes hanger with some double-sided tape and an old electric cable. And I told you about my desk already.

Let's see what else will happen. These days I'm super happy with the weather here, and why not try one of the local coffee shops, I figure. Let's see.

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