10 December 2013

A Day as Good as it Gets

Every once in a while there are days when the gears of life just turn in the right pace. Days like that probably look different for everyone, and depending how they lead their beings those special days go recognized or not. One thing is for sure, once the day has passed it's gone. And if you can look back on it and smile, that's where I think appreciation starts. 

Today might have been such a day for me. I woke up and felt really well-rested. That alone is good news. I sat at my desk and started my day with a cup of strong coffee and some copy editing. Soon enough the urge to go skate grabbed me by the throat and I sent out messages to my pals. In no time a perfect impromptu skate rat connection was formed.

Unless you roll your ankle or hit your face on the ground, a skate session with your friends is bound to be fun. It's the purest form of freedom I know. We met on brand new turf, an area in the south-west of the city that is known for its office buildings and relentless working hours. We pushed and explored and documented and had a good time until the sun started to set.

Sumin had to show up for work at the office this weekend, and where we were was really really close by. So after we high-fived our session good-bye, I grabbed a coffee and waited for my lady to get off work. She was happy to be free and to finally enjoy her weekend, and I was happy to be part of that happiness. Spending time with Sumin is always the best.

Later, a friend of hers from out of town contacted her to tell her she had just finished a tough exam and that she was in the city. The two of them go way back, so I told my lady she should definitely bring her over and share the goodness. We met and moved to Itaewon, had a drink in one of our favorite bars and I got in touch with my brothers by the time I felt humbly obsolete.

And it just so happened that my boys were just around the corner. The girls excused me with friendly understanding and I kissed my girl au-revoir. I said good-bye to the owners, walked up the hill and across the street, up the alley and through the door. How perfect to end an amazing day full of life with my brothers over beers, talks and mellow beats.

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