25 November 2013

Random Rants

Am I an angry person? No. Do I want to smack somebody in the face with a stone from time to time? Yes. In my opinion, idiot people deserve a beating sometimes. That probably includes myself, because I've made mistakes too, but what I mean here is people who think they're the shit, while in reality they're wrong and misled in every sense of what they think is right.

When people with bad taste, or much worse, with no taste at all, get to positions in life where their job it is to lead something that requires taste, that is built on sensible decisions, in a certain direction, it drives me insane. The responsibility of a person's position sometimes becomes bigger than the person himself. Why is it so hard for some people to acknowledge that? 

I guess, the answer is pride. Probably paired with a justified fear of obsolescence due to worthlessness. Ha, I'm ranting again. Sure, there's no need to hold back, because it's true, it's what I feel. But where does it lead, exactly nowhere. Minor stress relief at best. Anyway, today's fifteen minutes of hate are dedicated to people in positions that deserve much better.

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