18 October 2013


I was sitting at my desk this morning, listening to Jay-Z for breakfast. I looked through some stuff on the web and stumbled over a post that said: 10 Tips on How to Write Less Badly. It was written by some guy who spent his whole life at school. Looking back now, I don't know why I bothered reading it.

I used to admire scholars a lot, but for some reason I don't anymore. I read the ten advices on academical writing and realized how glad I should be to have graduated, to be out of school and free from essays and dissertations. School isn't half-bad, if it weren't for the assessments and quick assumptions.

To pass an education system and develope social skills are probably valuable reasons for students to attend school. Depending on the system, I guess. However, I don't miss being a student too much. It's a great time at the time, but it finally dawned on me that it's time to move on, time to get up and stand tall.

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