13 September 2013

Eighteen and Decreasing

The battery of my phone is showing eighteen percent. The charger is over there by the coffee table. I could charge it now, but I'm going to wait. Eighteen isn't bad. A little less than one fifth, but not bad. About as much as the paper cup in front of me is filled with cheap coffee. The coffee situation is actually worse, because it's cold. 

Today I'm not alone in the shop. Suyong, a new kid, is here to assist me and learn how to run the store. It's not his first day, but we've never worked together before. He's quiet. A quality that instantly makes him a half-amazing coworker. Right now he's sitting on the couch, trying to configure the plastic computer that came to the shop.

It's a quiet day and the drizzling rain doesn't allow me to think it's going to change soon. I usually like quiet days, though. There's always something to do. Really, I can't remember a single time when I thought, man, what do I do with all those left-over hours. No, there's always something to work on, to look up, to write down. It's just, I'd rather be by myself.

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