09 July 2013

Talk About Death

It's two fifty at night and I can't sleep. I don't know why. I even tried some old-fashioned tricks, like switching off the lights and lying down on my bed. Or drinking beer. But nothing helped. Here I am, again at my desk, typing letter after letter, word after word. Gushes of heavy rain are hitting my window and the blue roof that is sleeping outside.

The rainy season is in full gear and soon the heat will overwhelm the little universe of mine. I don't know what to do with this night, this sleepless situation. And it's not that there's nothing to do. Oh, there's plenty of things that I should be doing, such as working on projects, writing to my friends and family, and countless other things like reading, or opening another beer.

Instead, I'm editing a blog post that started with the title you see above. Why? Perhaps, because the other day a close friend of mine asked me - out of nowhere - about the very last songs that I would want to listen to. Perhaps, because death is never that far away. Or perhaps, because I attended a funeral not too long ago. For someone I know just lost his father.

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