07 May 2013

A Good Question

Why do you like skateboarding so much, you're almost thirty now! An old friend of mine, a mathematician, asked me one day. I get this question from time to time, but mostly by people who don't really care, which is why more often than not I'd answer with not much earnestness. Why do you ask, all of a sudden, I said and started thinking about a good answer. 

That's how I started my hundredth draft of this issue's intro. It was written on my notepad and I just copied it into this empty window right here, wondering how that could've continued. Why do I like skateboarding so much? That's a good question, considering that there are people out there who find a way to use it and receive monthly paychecks with it, or just sell their talent to massive corporations.

And I'm not one of those people, so I guess I'm not doing it for the money. There's also a number of amazing skaters who make it to a pro level without becoming cheap rockstars, sponsored by energy drinks and hair styling products. Most of them are quiet, but they influence other people by their skating. Those are the ones I look up to. But I'm not nearly as good as anyone of those. So it's not that either.

I like skateboarding, because I'm a skateboarder. I don't think there's nothing more to tell. I love the feeling of rolling down the street, of forgetting everything else and becoming a kid again. It defines so many of my daily actions and decisions that it has become a part of me, more than I have become a part of it. It's one of the most distinctive aspects to understanding the way I live my humble life. 

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