18 October 2012

Nothing in Particular

Do you have to experience sadness in order to realize what happiness is? I don't know. Perhaps yes. People always say that you have to be sick first to be thankful for all your days in health. I think I can agree with that, but the happiness thing I'm not too sure about. I mean, if you're in a good mood, then that's that. It's more positive than your regular mood, therefore quite conscious, I'd say.

Good health, on the other hand, is often regarded as a granted standard. Which is why we tend to forget easily, and get reminded by sickness all the harder. Now, the reason I say all this is, because I left work today, almost on time. For the first time since I started, that is. And it was bright outside, a tremendously friendly day waiting to be consumed. I felt like it was my first ever Thursday afternoon.

It was beautiful. Even more so, because it was mine. I had finished all the work for the mag on time, and I had nothing to do for this job, because I was quitting anyway. Today was mine, no compromise. I was smiling at the sky, smiling like an idiot probably, but I don't care. I took the bus to the subway station, and the subway to get to my place. For the first time in ages I was home and had nothing to do. Amazing.

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