10 September 2012

What Happened to Murphy

It's funny how sometimes things really don't work out, as if someone were manipulating your every move by putting stones in your way. It doesn't happen very often, but I swear it happens every once in a while. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. On days like that the thought of Murphy's law is always around the corner.

Some say that the law roots back to the 1870's, but nobody knows for sure. I wonder what had happened to old Murphy when he looked in the mirror that day, brushing his teeth, thinking, damn what a messed-up day. Everything that could have gone wrong actually did go wrong. Maybe I should announce this a universal law or something.  

Perhaps he woke up in the morning and bumped his toe on a kitchen table leg. He ran out of toilet paper, got shampoo in his eyes and spilled hot coffee over his only clean shirt. Of course he missed the bus and stepped into something nasty, because he had to run, and just when he thought he was safe a sick pigeon shat on his portfolio. 

Although, that's probably not what happened to him. Because things looked a little different two hundred years ago. But still, it must have been a series of tough shit situations. And then, there must have been one more thing that made him snap, one last unreasonably unfortunate incident that flipped the script. Forever. I wonder what that was. 

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