03 April 2011

A few smaller Episodes

The reason why I'm slacking with the posting these days, is because I find myself slacking with pretty much everything else as well. I know people who can multi-task the shit out of things, but over the past few years I found out that I can't. I wish I could, but I'm having the hardest time trying. I guess I'd rather do one task at a time and I try to finish it as quickly as I can, if possible in one session. But of course, not everything can be portionized into daily little bits, and trying to catch up is exactly where the slacking begins.

Also, there's stuff I come across that I think about, but don't find worth being told here. Like the other day, there was a friend of a friend, who was asking about the meaning of stabe, the second part of the word Buchstabe (the German word for letter, as in capital letter). I mean, I can totally understand one's curiosity about seemingly meeningless stuff, I really do, I even encourage the idea of wondering about it, but if persistence edges on disturbance of an otherwise great evening, one could take the hints and google it up at home.

See, that one was worth but a single paragraph. And there's lots of those. A few days ago, for example, I took a train to Bonn. Again to work on my translation, and again I bought a ticket. I went to the station and arrived an extra few minutes prior to departure time, I walked up to the ticket mashine and fed it with my coins, thinking about the senseless act this was. That day though, a ticket collector got on the train for once and did his job. I was so glad, I almost thanked him for making that piece of paper valuable.

There you go, another short one. Agh, the past few days have been mostly cold and cloudy, we only had like a single warm and sunny day, which was a great day by the way, but the rest was all rainy. One of those days, I was walking home when it started. I looked up in the sky and couldn't really bother, I was kind of tired. And to be honest I even enjoyed it a bit. It's been a while since I took a wa.. I think I never actually took a real walk in the rain, I was really just walking when it happened to be raining. 

Anyways, there's always something going on. I guess, it's just not always blog material. It's like a little drawer inside my head that I put smaller thought snippets in. Sometimes it's not easy to make sense of them, and sometimes I forget about them altogether, but then, sometimes I remember the drawer and some of the stuff inside and make it to a longer post like this one.

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