03 March 2011


In the Rheinland part of Germany the thursday before Aschermittwoch is called Weiberfastnacht. They have  slightly different names in other regions, but here that's what it's called. It's like a Girls' Day for Carnival, an old custom for women to celebrate their womanship. They're allowed to dress up in a funny way and cut men's ties, for which in return they give the guy a Busserl, a kiss.

It's not a legit red day in the calender, but shops close at around noon for their employers to go nuts. People start drinking in the morning, everybody's wearing stupid costumes and at 11:11 there's always a gathering on some market place where they have prepared a stage with a band that plays horrible horrible Karnevalsmusik. It's loud, and people are loud, and I hate every last bit of it. 

In other parts of the world there's helloween, I understand that. Eventhough it's Irish, I'd rather have two of those instead of Karneval in Germany. I admit that it's kind of fun when you're younger. As a school boy it's fun to carry around a bunch of ties with you just to walk around in front of pretty girls. But what I always hated about it is the music. Psycho maniac songs played in a peace-disturbing loud manner, fuck that. 

But the worst part is to see grown ass people, fathers and mothers, even grandparents, dress up in the worst way, and it's not even witty costumes, nothing like that, and drink their heads away before it's even noon. The sun is high about the sky to make everybody see how ridiculous they act. I bet that not even half of them even know what it is that they're celebrating.

Young kids running around chasing ties and skirts, okay, that I can understand. Or even when the kids are children, too young to understand, too young to run around without parental guidance, then it's kind of nice of a father to make a fool of himself in order to make the son understand that it's okay. But it's not like that. It's  grown-old people going crazy on each other. They make it an event, almost a sport.

And the worst part of it is the whole don't-give-a-fuck attitude pumped up to a public scale for everybody to join. You see drunk old people in the middle of the day; ajossis grabbing young girls' asses and get away with it; old ladies kissing weird dudes for they're too drunk to care about them ties; husbands cheating on their wives and being forgiven, because it's okay for a day; vandalism and littering, I could go on and on.

Of course it's not everybody, there's sane people, too. But them you don't see. They either stay at home being normal, or they take them crazy days off work and go to places where there is no Karneval, make a trip out of it. I won't lie to you, if I could afford it, I'd be gone some other place either, then this would be a different post, probably one that is labelled Travels. 

I mean, there's worse things in the world, but this messed up my mood, because it's a sunny day outside and I can't go skate. And I just hate Karnevalsmusik's guts.

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