29 March 2011

Slowing Down Time

I can't believe how fast time is running this year. It's almost the end of March again, so a fourth of the year is already gone. And I asked myself, what can I do to slow down time? I thought about this a lot, and I think I can't. I mean, there's plenty of crazy scientists who are trying and failing everyday, so chances are pretty slim.

And yet, there must be something I can do. So I thought about it some more and came to the conclusion that, since I can't actually make time pass slower, it's probably me that has to move faster. I can't change time, but I can change myself, right? I mean, I don't want to change, really, but psychologically speaking that'd be what it is.

So if I walked twice as fast, for instance, a minute would still be a minute, but I'd be there in only half the time. Does that make any sense? Well, what I'm trying to say is that in order to make believe time was running slower, you have to do more stuff. That way you can look back on more things that you did, in the same time.

Alright, I'm not sure if anything in my daily schedule will actually change, but i figure some awareness won't hurt anybody. With all the sunny weather these days, I might try to be more active. Maybe some basketball in the morning, then work, some skating in the afternoon, and work again in the evening? Let's see how that works out.

1 comment:

  1. I think the right song for these kind of thoughts is KEINE ZEIT by BLUMENTOPF

    Holunder says:

    Ja ich bin ständig am Limit, mir sind die Tage zu kurz,
    bin am wursteln und wursteln und wurstel mich grade so durch;
    denn egal ob in der Wissenschaft oder beim Reime kicken -
    die großen Sprünge schafft man nur in vielen kleinen Schritten.
    Das Leben ist ne Hydra, man hat nie Zeit zu relaxen,
    denn hast Du ein Problem gelöst warten schon die zwei nächsten.
    Es ist wie ne Rolltreppe in falscher Richtung zu nehmen,
    man muss vorwärtskommen weil man sich sonst noch rückwärts bewegt.
    Ja ich muss am Ball bleiben und mich ständig verbessern,
    wenn man heute nicht Gas gibt ist man schon morgen von gestern,
    deshalb muss alles sitzen aufm Punkt wie ne Reisszwecke
    und alles ging noch besser wenn ich nur mehr Zeit hätte, aber:

    Ich hab wirklich wenig Zeit.
    Lasst mich bitte schnell vorbei.
