08 February 2011

München - Day 4.

I woke up after another horrible night. One of the guys who came in yesterday, just before we had left, was snoring sensationally loud, unbelievable. I guess it's not his fault, because he can't control it either, but I still wanted to kill him and punch him in his face. 

In the morning I half consciously noticed the friendly Ukrainian couple leave quietly. The next time I opened my eyes it was some other guy walking out, so at the end it was the nice girl from Ireland, two random dudes and us. Nobody was snoring anymore, so I closed my eyes for another try. Then Tobs woke me up, with a look on his face that told me he didn't sleep much, either. He told me that it was time and that he'd be downstairs in the lobby. I confirmed with a nod, finally got up and showered all the negativity away.

Coming out of the bathroom, the two guys were gone and only the Irish girl was left. We said hello and I started packing my stuff. At that point I was ready to go home, and I knew Tobs was too. I refolded my clothes and punched them into my suitcase. After double and triple checking I sat down on my bed to think a little. I remembered the chesecake, which I didn't touch at all, and shoved it in someone elses locker. Then I left. 

While I was waiting for the elevator, a familiar looking guy came walking around the corner. He said hello, I said good morning. I remembered, I met him yesterday, in the elevator. Watching the floors passing by he asked me where I was from. Japan? Taiwan? I told him I was from Korea, he answered with Hong Kong, pointing at himself. I nodded and he understood. Today, he was still very friendly, but after exchanging greetings, he hesitated and then said he'd take the stairs. It was the fifth floor. 

Breakfast was 4,80 Euro. It was worth not even half of that. The bread was dry, the Brötchen overtoasted, the toppings were poor, the cheese eaten up. The juice was ok, the coffee tasted a little burnt. We were leaving. We gased up the car and were back on the road. Eins Zwo's Dendemann amused us with his rhymes about his discjockey Rabauke. Then the signs said Stuttgart, so we changed the tunes. And for the rest of the ride the FK Allstars and Hausmarke (all of them from Stuttgart) were joining us.

There's something about Chilly Chese Burgers. After a few hours, we stopped at a Burger King and ordered what we always do. Tobs likes his Burgers without Jalapenos, but with more sauce instead. It's way tastier that way, he says. So we ordered and got the food, found a bright spot and sat down. Tobs unwrapped his first burger and what he found was so much sauce that he could barely make out the burger. No kidding, the beef was invisible, it was fully covered in the slightly spicy yellowish heavy liquid. It was so much, we laughed at it. The best part though is that he had three of them. I was secretly hoping to find two bottom pieces of bread with mine, but it was just a regular burger.

At the end of the day Tobs was so exhausted he couldn't even sit straight and my head was barely functioning anymore. At one point there was a public restroom where you had to pay seventy cents to get in. Tobs turned around to me and said, "Has you jenuch?". He didn't even mean to be funny, but somehow then and there it cracked me up so hard that I almost choked. I love it when that happens. It was a super dope trip with lots of stuff to remember.

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